Monday 21 July 2014

Survey number 2

After our decision to focus on indoor/limited space gardening, (electric) and a garden spray dispenser, (analogue) as our two products, we worked together to develop a survey to find out more about these specific areas, and other people's views on them

This survey validates our idea for an indoor garden and has some useful info for how we can develop this product. Spraying is a more specialized area, most of the people who took this survey were students, who usually don't have the property to spray, so we'll survey some home owners about their spray use. While their are a lot of complaints about spray backpacks in here, we've seen some really good quality spray packs, so we're not so interested in designing in this area. However this survey did show that measuring ratios, spilling, difficulty refilling sprayers and contact with dangerous chemicals are issues people have with toxic garden sprays, which are things we're addressing in our spray dispenser design.

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