Tuesday 12 August 2014

Dispenser Shape Development

I have done a few sketches to explore the shape of the small pouring bottle as well as how it will connect to the main bottle.


Battery Cover and Pot Exploration

I explored the opening mechanism of the battery pack to see what way would be the easiest for consumers to operate. I have decided that the most commonly seen battery cover will be the best. Unlike on TV remotes where it can often be fiddled with and broken this is not an issue for this product. It sits level with the surface which will mean there is no chance of any rocking of the pot.

This drawing shows how the sections sit on each other although the water reservoir is the wrong shape as it needs its lowest point in the centre where the strings are so that no water is wasted.

 A cross section shows how the sections will sit on top of each other and how the spikes filled with cotton wool will be sticking into the soil while string dangles into the water reservoir to soak up the water.