Sunday 10 August 2014

Indoor Garden - Variations

We did a few material variations on the original black plastic design to test a few ideas.

 This design uses a white plastic or ceramic rather than black, it is a cleaner look and much more traditional.

This design removes the idea of having just a light strip and instead illuminates the water reservoir itself while using a wooden section for the plant to sit in. The wood relates to plant being a natural material but does pose issues such as getting waterlogged. If a plant were to be in there for a long period of time the roots could even grow into the wood itself.

The final variation is an all wooden design with an LED strip indicator for the water level. The wood here again poses functional issues but the material does relate to the plant that is growing in it.

For the wooden designs to work they would have to be lined with a material that will block direct contact between wood and the plant or water to ensure longevity. The wood will also increase the price of the product taking it away from our target market which is people that do not have enough space to garden including students who do not have a lot of money to spend on pot plants.


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