Saturday 2 August 2014

Indoor Garden - Herb Need research


Watering- During summer the soil should be kept very moist, while during winter the soil should be moderately moist.

Lighting- Prefers full sunlight (6 hours a day).

Tips- Basil thrives when the soil is warm and nighttime temperatures are above 60°.


Watering- The soil should be kept continually moderately moist

Lighting- Prefers full sunlight (6 hours a day).

Tips- Increase the number of plants by dividing in winter every two years or so.






Watering- During summer the soil should be kept moist, while during winter it just should not dry up completely.

Lighting- Prefers full sunlight (6 hours a day).

Tips- These are tough plants that take wind and salt spray, or inland heat if given moderate water. Too much fertilizer and water produce rank growth and woodiness.


Watering- During summer the soil should be kept moderately moist, while during winter it just should not dry up completely.

Lighting- Prefers full sunlight (6 hours a day).

Tips- Needs especially good drainage. Plants thrive on little to moderate water.


Watering- Keep the soil constantly slightly moist but never let it dry up completely.

Lighting- Prefers full sunlight (6 hours a day).

Tips- Use as a low edging for vegetable or herb gardens.


Watering- During summer the soil should be kept moderately moist, while during winter it just should not dry up completely.

Lighting- Prefers full sunlight (6 hours a day).

Tips- Start new plants each year.


Watering- During summer the soil should be kept moderately moist, while during winter it just should not dry up completely. Less water is required once established.

Lighting-Prefers full sunlight, but needs shade in hotter climates.

Tips- Keep plant on the dry side once established. Avoid planting near a lawn where the soil stays wet. Give afternoon shade in hot climates.


Watering- Soil should be kept continuously moist.

Lighting-Prefers full sunlight (6 hours a day).



Watering- Keep the soil slightly moist but never let it dry up completely

Lighting- Prefers bright light but not direct sun

Tips- Needs especially good drainage. Plants thrive on little to moderate water.


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