Saturday 2 August 2014

Indoor Garden - Herb Needs research

1. Provide adequate light. Some plants require more light than others (Basil and Coriander require more light than most plants). Generally a minimum of 6 hours per day is required.
2. Select the proper soil for each herb. Some grow better in 'poor soil' such as basil.
3. Knowing when to water. Herbs enjoy quick draining soil and frequent watering. Over watering is a common issue for indoor herb gardens as the roots rot. Frequent watering and not soaking the soil is essential.

-Watering in the morning is best as it promotes growth. Where as watering at night time promotes fungal growth, maybe not so important indoors but still something that needs to be considered.

-It seems as though most plants require watering when the soil is dry to touch but not parched. We may need to find out a bit more about moisture sensors to understand how this may work.

Not a bad website.

Also found this on

"Dry" Herbs: (better suited to dry, sunny, Mediterranean conditions) Rosemary, Oregano, Marjoram, Sages, Lavender, Thyme and Tarragon

"Moist" Herbs: (better suited to moist, cooler, and afternoon shaded locations) Basils, Mints, Cilantro, Dill, Arugula, and Chives


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